Multimodal Freight Services in Mexico

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Freight Global Services Transport

Are you looking for a logistics partner that can handle all your shipping needs seamlessly? Look no further than our multimodal solutions at Freight Global Services!

We understand that every shipment is unique, and that's why we offer a wide range of transportation options including air, sea, and ground shipping. By utilizing multiple modes of transportation, we can provide you with the most efficient and cost-effective logistics solutions to meet your specific needs.

Our experienced team of logistics professionals will work closely with you to create a customized transportation plan that suits your requirements and budget. Whether you need to transport heavy cargo or time-sensitive shipments, our multimodal services have got you covered.

At Freight Global Services, we pride ourselves on providing reliable and timely delivery, with real-time tracking and communication to keep you informed every step of the way.

Multimodal Freight Services in Mexico Multimodal Freight Services in Mexico
Multimodal Freight Services in Mexico
Why Choose Us

Why FGS?

Strategically located in Toluca, Mexico

24/7 support

Satellite GPS on units

Fleet of 50 or more own units

Trucks less than 10 years old


Where are we located?

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