Road Freight Solutions in Mexico

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Freight Global Services Transport

Looking for reliable shipping solutions for your business?
Look no further than Freight Global Services!

Our team of experienced professionals specializes in providing time-sensitive transportation services for all your urgent shipping needs.

We offer a wide range of transportation options, including ground and air shipping, to ensure that your shipment gets to its destination as quickly and efficiently as possible. And with our advanced tracking and communication systems, you can stay informed every step of the way.

At Freight Global Services, we understand the importance of on-time delivery and we are committed to providing you with the highest level of service possible.

Road Freight Solutions in Mexico Road Freight Solutions in Mexico
Road Freight Solutions in Mexico
Why Choose Us

Why FGS?

Strategically located in Toluca, Mexico

24/7 support

Satellite GPS on units

Fleet of 50 or more own units

Trucks less than 10 years old


Where are we located?

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